Hello!! My name is Viona Timotius and I’m a fourth-year exchange student at METU under the Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA). Was previously majoring in Visual Communication Design, I’m now studying Industrial Design in ODTÜ. Born and raised in the most populated city in Southeast Asia, Life’s pace is pretty different from here in Ankara, Turkey, where I currently reside. Back home, I love driving around the city, and coffee shop-hopping is one of my favorite thing to do. I wish to do the same here in Ankara.

In my free time, I like having movie marathons as well as illustrating for my small business where I design and illustrate stuff I’m fond of. I grew up with sticker books and collecting stickers was one of my favorite childhood memory and to be the one illustrating them and making someone’s day through stickers makes me feel whole. Sometimes you can find me trying out new things like embroidering, trying out analog cameras, and streaming gameplays to people. These are the things that piqued my interest and I like them as a hobby.

You can get in touch with me through my social media as I’m always on my phone. My Instagram is @vionatimotius and @helloviona if you’re interested to see my works.

Jakarta, Indonesia
It’s me 😀