Hello where!
My name is Nastya. I from in Moscow, Russia. I’m studying in the faculty of “Design of Architectural Environment” in RUDN. I like that at our university we can meet and communicate with people from almost all over the world. It’s amazing!
What about me? I have a lot of hobbies and here are some of them:

1. Handmade. It’s one of my favorite hobbies, because it’s really cool when you can put a part of your soul into a thing you’ve made.

2. Сosplay. You can see it on my Instagram;

3. Table games, like monopoly, uno, dungeons and dragons and etc;

4. Playing the ukulele. I don’t have a musical education, so it’s a little difficult for me. But I think one day I will be able to play any melody;

5. Сollecting. I collect stickers from fruits since I was 13. So it’s already quite big);

6. Playing computer games. I like puzzles and detective quests. They make your brain work from a different angle. It develops and I like it.

And of course art. Painting, drawing… it’s a big part of my live. I hope one day I will be able to hold an exhibition of my artworks.

instagram: @nastay_gornostay
diskord: nastay-gornostay#8574