Past Global Studios’ Projects

Please check previous years’ blogs to see what our students have been doing at the Global Studio. You can find the blogs from then on the following links: Global Studio 2016, 2017, and 2018. Here’s a selection:

  • Design by Team MONO (METU), video by Team O RLY (Hong-Ik University). Also checkout Team MONO’s design process blog. (2016)  
  • Design by Team elevate (Loughborough University), video by Team TAS* (METU). Also check out Team elevate’s design process blog. (2016)
  • Design by Team STUDIO-LA (METU), video by Marvellous Design (Loughborough University). Also checkout TEAM STUDIO-LA’s design process blog. (2017)
  • Design by Team black cat productions (Angewandte), video by Team Corgi Inc. (METU) (2017)
  • Design by Team AHOY Captain (METU), video by Team MRS (UFRGS). Also checkout Team AHOY Captain’s design process blog. (2018)
  • Design by Team Chess (Shibaura Institute of Technology), video by Team Dot. (METU) (2018) 

You can browse the last two years’ projects from the following links:

Global Studio 2018:

Global Studio 2017:

Clients’ Peer Feedback

When providing your feedback as Clients to your Designers, please consider the following points.

The peer feedback should help your peer to take action to improve their learning

Note: Feedback should be for learning, not just evaluation of learning. It should help to close the gap between current performance and the expected standard of work, written to take into account peers’ understanding of what they are supposed to be doing. 

The peer feedback should be clear, detailed and provide a specific guidance on how to improve

Note: It is important that your peer can understand the feedback you give, and to achieve this feedback should be specific about where, for example, the work is underdeveloped or where additional information can be found in the literature or in your project brief or your prior information you have provided. 

The peer feedback is a forward-facing focusing by supporting building skills for future work

Note: Feedback should be constructive, not just backward-looking, with a focus on aspects of the work which are relevant to later assessments. For example, a focus on generic issues such as study skills or presentational factors helps feedback to also function as feed-forward, building skills for future work. 

The peer feedback builds motivation and self-esteem

Note: Feedback should help your peer to want to learn by being encouraging and supportive in tone, and including a focus on existing strengths and, where there are weaknesses, guidance how to improve. 

The peer feedback is realistic and focuses on your peers’ performance

Note: Make sure your peer realise that the feedback is about their work, rather than about them as people, with an appropriate level of challenge, asking them to do things they are able to do, not things they do not know how to do. 

The peer feedback will support your peer students to develop their ability to make informed judgements on their own work

Note: The goal of feedback is enhancement of learning and improvement of future work and should therefore develop peers’ abilities to self-audit the quality of their own work

Introduction | Collaborators

In order to explore the Global Studio theme within a broader cultural context, in this year’s project you will be working with student teams located in the following participating universities:

  • Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia / RUDN @Moscow, Russia
  • Middle East Technical University / METU @Ankara, Turkey
  • Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa / @Napoli, Italy
  • University of Navarra / Tecum @Pamplona, Spain
  • Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul / UFRGS @Porto Alegre, Brazil

Have fun!

Introduction & Setting up the Designer Blog

Welcome to The Global Studio.

We have just completed the first week of the 2021 activities. 

The Global Studio activities are based on geographically distributed collaboration between paired students teams as well as academics from universities around the world. To enable the teams to collaborate for the lecturers to provide your with a timely support your project process activities need to be recorded via your project blogs. You will set-up your Design Team’s project blogs and you will be be responsible for keep it up-to-date following the stages of the project. These project blogs will be used by the lecturers to evaluate your learning.

Each design design team has been allocated a specific project site. Please see the team allocation list below to find out a link for your design team’s project site. In order to log onto your project site you should create your account. Please contact and for queries and/or problems. For specific questions about your class please contact your lecturer.

This year’s theme is Gifting Happiness.

We expect the teams in their roles as clients to talk to their specific family members such as parents who will form the intended “users” (mothers, or fathers, of aunties or uncles), take photos, and discover their unique practices which they consider bring them “happiness”.

To develop the client brief each team will need to will summarise their analysis through visual materials such as storyboards or short movies or comics or animations. These visual materials are intended to support your allocated design teams to become familiar with your selected users’ day to day practices and to guide their design processes. Thus, you, as the local cultural expert on your selected users’ practices will need to support and guide your designers during the project.

The client teams will post the briefs including the on their allocated design teams project blogs. Finally, we will expect the client teams to make informal user tests with the users who inform the briefs and include these moments in their concluding videos and evaluations. 

Team 01 09
Krasnikova AlinaIsa Molaro
Larina VictoriaIsabella Santi
Yesikova AnnaRosalaura Vernieri
Kuznetsov NikolayAlessandra Cozzolino
Team 02 10
Ivanova AnastasiaMara Di Paolo
Filimonova AnnaEnrico Galati
Dolbishcheva MariaCelia Fernandez del Valle
Nazaralieva InnaraGiada Saccucci
 Ana Díaz Cadenas
Team 03 12
Bartels GenrikhFernanda Namie Nogueira Nakamura
Asanova NuraidaGabriele Telh
Kozlova IrinaThomas Ehlert Schaper
Dmitrieva Lyudmila 
Team 04 13
Khachatryan AnnaGuilherme Rampelotto Rodrigues
Kichanova IrinaMateus Quevedo Baldasso
Chukavin AlexanderVitória Fantin da Silva
Mitrovich Elisaveta 
Team 05 14
Chugunova AnastasiaNerea Fuentes
Nikolaeva AngelinaTelmo Imaz
Kopylova EvelinaAna González
Team 06 15
Isaev AndreyBerfu Cete
Kudryavtseva ValeriaMehmet Aflazi
Ekshina AnastasiaAsma Hameed
Arkhipova Aleksandra 
Team 07 16
Solovieva EvgeniaAya Talhi
Kassay ElizavetaFatih Paksoy
Loginova PolinaMelis Ercan
Klakova Vlada 
Team 08 17
Maria Cecilia BruzzoneNazlı Deniz Erdoğan
Erika AbateTuana Toraman
Valentina CirilloEce Şimşek
Aniello Di DonnaAbigail Hanna Kaelo Siahaan
Martina Casillo 
Team 11 18
Eduarda Ventura CorreaCemre Ilgaz Öz
Martina Saatkamp GoncalvesGülşah Şimşek
Pedro Henrique Rettore MacedoDeniz Küçük
 Viona Timotius

The Global Studio facilitator are wising you a great learning experience together and enjoy working with each other.