Oi, hi, hello :)

Hi, my name is Namie and I’m a visual design student in UFRGS, a University in Brazil. Although UFRGS is based in Porto Alegre, I’m actualy from a small town in São Paulo State, in the countryside, so I’ve grown up surrounded by nature and a diferent cultural background from big cities.

I don’t really have any longlasting hobby besides playing with my cats (I’ve got 4 really funny cats), but I’ve tried a decent amount of activities and other stuff for some time, therefore, I enjoy a lot having conversations about any topic one might want to talk.

I’m pretty much a newbie in the design world, but I hope to be able to contribute in this experience and also learn with my colleages (maybe even make some friends ;)).

My contacts:

Instagram: @in_the_village13

Email: namienakamurasama@gmail.com

Linkedin: Fernanda Namie Nakamura

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